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The best in class software for Hospitals in the cloud.

May 2, 2019

Why Hospitals are looking for a Fully Integrated System?

When a hospital that is overgrowing has several siloed applications, there can be many business challenges. These challenges can be critical, which may be hampering the growth of the business. Here are some reasons that may burden the development of their interaction with the various software systems:

1. Wasting the productivity of the employee:

When the hospital is in the growth process, the employee must operate at best possible productivity. If the employees are down with the inefficient and the disjoint cycles, the errors can be increased, taking away their time from other essential duties. There are crucial processes like order processing, creating invoices, and taking expense approvals and fulfillment that take longer for completion. For example, your employees are spending hours manually entering the order information. A few of your employees are pulling it out from the CRM system to calculate the sales and commissions. In the meantime, if any of the orders get canceled, the employees have to rework the complete data. Such tasks can reduce the agility that your company may require for its growth.

2. Lacking real-time visibility:

When a system is unintegrated, multiple databases overlap, and we cannot view the business performance very quickly. Various reports such as finance, sales, marketing, and services that show the hospital's performance are crucial for an integrated view of your hospital's operations. As a lot of time is consumed, many of the hospitals give up this kind of operation. Countless hours have been wasted on trying to get error-free information. Eventually, it's the growth of the business that suffers based on the inaccurate information being provided.

3. Complexity with integration and cost:

With a wide variety of applications, IT wastes a lot of time and money on integrating, maintaining, and acquiring new versions for them. Once the Software is purchased, a lot of integration and maintenance is required for the different Software to work together. On the other hand, the time that can be used for the growth of the business is wasted, and the maintenance cost shoots up.

4. Agitating the increasing customers:

The key pillar for your hospital's continued success is customer acquisition and revenue growth. With the increasing competition, it is a compulsion for the hospital to provide exceptional customer experience to take their business to a different level. If the various services that the customers are expecting from you are not being provided, they are less likely to be purchasing from you. Integrated Software ensures that the customer is provided with the correct information, and the employees can access all the information they require regarding the customers.

5. Staff Satisfaction:

Staff satisfaction is key to a hospital's ability to retain staff expertise, attract new customers, and provide the customer experience to increase revenues and profitability. Laborious, time-consuming, and unnecessary processes to report, analyze, or reconcile data take time away from employees fulfilling their core activities and can often be demotivating and lead to dissatisfaction. Employees who can undertake their daily tasks and flourish within a business using systems and data that enhance and add value are more likely to be more productive and engaged, and more satisfied in their roles.